Sunday, February 4, 2018

Dear Kindergarten Families,

This week in Kindergarten, we will be doing friendship, polar animals, and dental projects.

Our celebration on Tuesday, February 13th, will be focused on love and friendship. As a reminder, please do not write the names of each student on the "to" portion because it's challenging for the students to pass out Valentines if names are written in.  Just have your child write their name in the "from" portion.

Word of the Week:  "was"
In Math, we are talking about how to unpack word problems and showing a variety of ways to solve them.  We are reviewing the strategy, "counting on".
Our Spring Auction, hosted by RDMPA, is on March 10th from 4:00- 9:00. There will be a raffle, silent and live auction prizes.  It's a great way to to meet and greet other Rio families and staff members. It's also one of the ways Rio raises money for our school. It's a win-win event!  Our theme for our class basket is "Play dough ". If you're interested in donating auction prizes for the event, please contact Necole Greer at<> or Mary Sandman at<>. I hope to see you there!

NO SCHOOL on Monday February 12 and February 19th 
SPRING AUCTION on March 10th

Have a great week and enjoy the sunny weather!
Cathy Werner