Saturday, December 9, 2017

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Here is what's going on in Kindergarten next week:

Math: Students will be using a number line to count forwards and backwards.  They will be adding with dominos, practicing position words (above, under, next to) with our new calendar math pattern and using marshmallows to measure different sized gingerbread people.

Art: Students will be making "twisted snowmen", decorating gingerbread people and making holiday cards/art projects for their families.

Words of the Week: "play" and "with"

Language Arts: We've now studied each of the short vowel word families, so we'll be reviewing them in our reading center along with reviewing all of our high frequency words.  Students will read a new book called "Zig Pig".

Writing: Students will write a sequential story (First, Next, Last) about how to catch a Gingerbread Man.  They will also observe the butterflies that recently emerged from their chrysalises and write about them.

Field Trip: We are so excited for our field trip the following week Monday, December 18th to Natural Bridges!! Thank you to everyone who has turned in the paperwork.

Thank you for donating to Second Harvest Food Bank's " Be the Change Share Your Change". The children have been so generous contributing change from their own piggy banks!!! We have enjoyed counting coins and figuring out how many meals the donations will buy! Many thanks for your generosity!

Have a great weekend,

Cathy Werner