Saturday, November 4, 2017

Hi Kindergarten Families,

Thank you SO much to everyone who was able to volunteer/donate to our class Halloween party! And a special BIG thank you to our amazing Room Moms for planning and organizing everything! I am such a lucky teacher to have so many supportive and involved families this year! The students all agreed that it was  "the greatest day ever!"

Here is what's going on in Kindergarten next week:

New theme: Butterflies! We ordered some caterpillars for the students to observe in our classroom. In a couple of weeks, the caterpillars will begin to form chrysalises, at which point we will put them into a large netted cage so we can watch them emerge into butterflies! At the end of observing this amazing life cycle, we will release the butterflies outside. It's a very exciting process so please make sure to ask your child all about it throughout the next few weeks!

Word of the week: "for"

Math focus: Students will continue to work on math word problems and solving them through a variety of strategies.  They are also studying the differences between 2 dimensional shapes (square, circle, triangle and rectangle) and 3 dimensional shapes (sphere, cube, cone, cylinder).

Today I sent home Parent- Teacher Conference reminders with the date and time of your conference.  I'm really looking forward to meeting with you and discussing your child's growth so far this year!

Just a reminder, there is no school on Friday, November 10th in honor of Veteran's Day.

Thank you,
Cathy Werner