Sunday, March 4, 2018

Dear Kindergarten Families,

I hope you're finding time to enjoy this beautiful and constantly changing weather! Speaking of weather, for the next two weeks we will discuss the different types of clouds. To remember the the different clouds your child will be making an adorable cloud book..

Words of the Week: "what"

In Math, we will continue our unit on "solid shapes". We will also  discuss how to solve problems using our special math strategies we have covered this year. Please continue to work on number printing at home. 

In Writer's Workshop, students are showing off their writing ability.  They are continuing to challenge themselves by writing creative details and using correct punctuation.  Please check out our Monthly Writing wall in the classroom. I guarantee you'll be impressed with your child's writing ability.

Wednesdays are a long day for the Kindergarteners. We have snacks in the classroom, however the demand for snacks continue to increase.  Please remember to pack an extra snack and/or lunch for your little one on Wednesdays.

Our school auction is next week!  Please purchase your tickets and join us on March 10th from 4:00-9:00. Get a sitter, relax and shop!  The auction donations are amazing! Check our our class basket and bid!!! I hope to see you there!  All proceeds go directly to our school.

We are in need of hand sanitizer and paper towels.  If you're able to donate any of these items we would greatly appreciate it!

Have a wonderful week!

Cathy Werner