Monday, March 19, 2018

Dear Kindergarten Families,

The auction was a blast! I was able to connect with  parents and enjoy the beautiful scenery! Thank you to a the  parents from our class who joined in on the fun. Next year, I hope to have a better turn out as it was an amazing auction and all the money goes directly to our school!

I'd like to thank Jen Christensen for all the effort she put into creating such a delightful basket from our class! Thank you to you all for your donations to the basket. I also appreciate the support the Christensen family put into to the auction this year! Many many thanks!

This week we will discuss the changes that happen in Spring.  We will also begin a new theme about oviparous animals (animals that come from eggs). We'll be reading and discussing "Chickens Aren't the Only Ones". We will also sort mammals vs. oviparous animals and write sentences about each.

Word of the Week:  "him", "her"

In Math, we will continue to work on subtraction and addition word problems.

 Reminders: Spring Break 3/30-4/6

Have a fantastic week!

Cathy Werner