Sunday, February 18, 2018

Dear Kindergarten Families,

I hope you're all enjoying the long holiday weekend!  

This week we will continue our study on Presidents and Teeth.  Students will read about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  We will compare and contrast these two Presidents throughout the week.​

I want to thank Sam Christensen for supporting National Dental Care month by teaching a very engaging lesson on how to keep the sugar bugs off our teeth. The children had a blast and and learned a lot about proper dental hygiene. Thanks Dr. Sam!

Words of the Week:  "me", "we"

 Math, we will continue to work on "counting collections" and word problems. Here is an idea you can do at home to help your child practice math strategies.  First, gather small items around your house.  Have your child count them (group by 5's or 10's, if possible).  Then, have your child write the number and draw how they counted the items.  Lastly,  have your child use one of the math strategies (tally marks, number line, ten-frame, counting on, number bond, part-part-whole or number sentence) to "make" that number.  i.e. if they counted by 5's they can show groups of 5 tally marks or  a number sentence (5+5+3=13).  It's a fun way to get your child excited about math!

Have you heard about the Spring Auction? It sounds pretty fun and exciting! Volunteer parents have been working hard to get ready for the annual auction on Saturday, March 10th. They were even able to get both the venue and Aptos BBQ food donated!  The only expenses are for rental equipment, d.j, bartender, etc.  Therefore, once the expenses are paid, the rest goes directly to our school.

The auction is a terrific way to support our school while having a great experience eating yummy food, socializing, and dancing. In addition, there is a live auction with Giant tickets, SC Warrior tickets, Safari West, a private chef dinner for 10, a ride on a fire truck and more. Also, besides the class baskets there will be other silent auction items, as well as raffle items. Something for everyone.

Parents will be selling tickets at the park after school on Wednesday, February 21st. What we NEED now are parents to purchase tickets. I will be there supporting our school and have fun!  Hope to see you all there!

There is no school this Monday, February 19th.  See you Tuesday!

Enjoy this beautiful weather,

Cathy Werner​